Our Journey so Far

Reflections: The New Cashew Harvest Season in Tanzania

Reflections: The New Cashew Harvest Season in Tanzania

The cashew harvest season is once again upon us. It is a time of year that starts with unbridled enthusiasm and optimism from farmers, processors and traders alike. Of all of those mentioned it is clear that for farmers this season has brought disappointment in the form of lower prices being offered by traders at the auction. On the subject of pricing, the cashew nut industry does not have a very transparent pricing structure in place. The fact that raw cashews are purchased in Kilograms (Kg) but the cashew kernels are sold in Pounds (lbs) brings even more complication. What...

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Planting New Cashew Trees in Singida

Planting New Cashew Trees in Singida

In 2018, we started a cashew nursery in Itigi District in Singida, Tanzania. We found that there were many farmers that wanted to started growing cashew nuts; it is a perennial tree crop that could provide future income for their kids and grandkids. We started planting seeds and raising cashew seedlings to distribute to new cashew farmers. We provide trainings to these new cashew farmers; teaching them how to prepare the land, dig the holes, space the trees and how to prune the young trees to the right shape. Since 2018, we have planted over 70,000 new cashew trees. These trees...

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